Lesson Fifteen  Conjunctions

Lesson Fifteen Conjunctions

Lesson Fifteen


Conjunctions are useful in putting nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and clauses together when making sentences. There are seven coordinating conjunctions:and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so.


I like to eat cheese and crackers.

Use “and” when putting two or more things or people together in a group.

cheese and crackers

cheese and crackers

Hockey is a fun sport, but sometimes you can fall and hurt yourself.

“But” is a word that shows contrast or differences. Hockey is fun, but it is also a little dangerous. Fun but dangerous


fun but dangerous

Would you like to eat a hotdog or a hamburger?

“Or” provides you with a choice or a decision.

hot dog

a hotdog or a hamburger


She eats neither hotdogs nor hamburgers. She prefers vegetables.

“Nor” is the negative form of “or.” It’s often used with “neither.”



not a hotdog nor a hamburger

He went to prison, for he had killed someone.

“For” is very similar to “because” and “since.” This is a difficult conjunction to use. It sounds very formal.

prisonerin prison for having killed

It’s cold outside, yet these boys don’t want to go inside because they are having so much fun.

“Yet” is similar to “but.” In this usage it’s not the same as the “yet” which is used to express time.


cold yet fun

She saw a spider, so she became afraid.

“So” is similar to “because” and “for” but you can’t use the word in the same position. The same sentence above could be written:

She became afraid because she saw a spider.


saw a spider arrow became afraid