Part 2 Unit 6 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. Where did you go on vacation? Your result: Check your mark 2. Yes, the weather was terrible. Your result: Check your mark 3. We went to Spain for a week. Your result: Check your mark 4. Yes, we went on …

Part 1 Unit 6 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. The children are waiting to get on the bus. Your result: Check your mark 2. The kids are eating lunch. Your result: Check your mark 3. A girl is getting off the bus. Your result: Check your mark 4. The …

Part 7 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

img. 1. What is the name of the coffee shop? A. The Valued Customer B. The London Coffee Shop C. The Orange Cat D. The Open Letter True.C 2. What does the coffee shop plan to stop using? A. Coffee B. Coffee coupons C. Coffee beans D. Low prices True.B 3. Coupons will continue to …

Part 6 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

To: All employees From: The Accounts Department Re: Taxes It will soon be time to file your tax returns. We will not be issuing financial statements automatically to ___ employees as we have done in the past. If you need a statement of 1. A. all B. every C. each D. much True.A your income …

Part 4 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. Most people think of the average working day as nine to five. Your result: Check your mark 2. In other words, most people are used to working during the day, usually from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Your result: Check your mark …


Test_Type:1 LISTENING TEST PART 1 201.Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet …

Part 3 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. Lisa, I heard that you got a new job. Your result: Check your mark 2. I didn’t even know you were looking. Your result: Check your mark 3. Why did you change? Your result: Check your mark 4. Well, I …

Part 2 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. Where do you work? Your result: Check your mark 2. At 9:00 a.m., usually. Your result: Check your mark 3. He went on vacation. Your result: Check your mark 4. In the office building on the corner. Your result: Check …

Part 1 Unit 5 Starter Dictation

You need to listen then type down what you hear 1. The man is holding a backpack. Your result: Check your mark 2. He is carrying a suitcase. Your result: Check your mark 3. He is holding a box. Your result: Check your mark 4. The man is carrying a briefcase. …