Unit 20: How much did they pay for their house?

Unit 20: How much did they pay for their house?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/10.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-J-mp3cut.net_-1.mp3 How much is this car? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/10.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-J-mp3cut.net_-1.mp3 It's $6,900. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/10.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-J-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How much did they pay for their house? Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/10.4-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-J-mp3cut.net_-1.mp3 They paid a …
Unit 19:  Is this my pen or yours?

Unit 19: Is this my pen or yours?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/9.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-I-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Is this my pen or yours? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/9.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-I-mp3cut.net_.mp3 I think it's mine. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/9.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-I-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What happened to Bill? Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/9.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-I-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What happened to Bill? …
Unit 18: What does he need to do today?

Unit 18: What does he need to do today?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/8.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-H-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What does he need to do today? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/8.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-H-mp3cut.net_.mp3 He needs to go to the drugstore to get some medicine. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/8.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-H-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What did he do last weekend? Your result: …
Unit 17: What, why and how

Unit 17: What, why and how

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/7.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-G-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What do you think about this class? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/7.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-G-mp3cut.net_.mp3 I like it. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/7.4-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-G-mp3cut.net_.mp3 I like it well done. Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/7.4-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-G-mp3cut.net_-1.mp3 I like it …
Unit 16: What are you going to do tomorrow?

Unit 16: What are you going to do tomorrow?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/6.1-Red-Level-Exercise-F-mp3cut.net_.mp3 What are you going to do tomorrow? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/6.2-Red-Level-Exercise-F-mp3cut.net_.mp3 I'm going to look for some new shoes. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/6.3-Red-Level-Exercise-F-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Where are you going to go? Your result: Check your mark …
Unit 15: Where did you buy these pickles?

Unit 15: Where did you buy these pickles?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/5.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-E-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Where did you buy these pickles? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/5.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-E-mp3cut.net_.mp3 I bought them at the grocery store. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/5.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-E-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How much did the milk cost? Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: …
Unit 14: How much time will it take to get to the next town?

Unit 14: How much time will it take to get to the next town?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/4.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-D-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How much time will it take to get to the next town? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/4.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-D-mp3cut.net_.mp3 It won't take that long. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/4.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-D-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How far is it to the next exit? Your …
Unit 13: Questions about the event

Unit 13: Questions about the event

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/3.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-C-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How many people showed up at the event? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/3.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-C-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Not that many people showed up. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/3.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-C-mp3cut.net_.mp3 How much milk is left in the refrigerator? Your result: Check your …
Unit 12: Short answers to questions.

Unit 12: Short answers to questions.

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2.1-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-B-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Does she like her new hairstyle? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2.2-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-B-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Yes, she does.. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2.3-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-B-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Is she happy with her new job? Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/2.4-Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-B-mp3cut.net_.mp3 Yes, she …
Unit 11: What did you do yesterday?

Unit 11: What did you do yesterday?

You need to listen then type down what you hear Setence 1: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-1-1-audio-cutter.com_.mp3 What did you do yesterday? Your result: Check your mark Setence 2: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-1-2-audio-cutter.com_.mp3 I rode my bike to the park. Your result: Check your mark Setence 3: https://lab.lesh.vn/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Red-Level-Dictation-Exercise-1-3-audio-cutter.com_.mp3 What did you do at the park? Your result: Check your mark Setence 4: …